
Saturday 27 August 2011

Airplane Trips with Little Ones - Mummy tips

Here are the responses from our Facebook likers to the question about traveling with little ones. There's some really helpful tips:

Ella's coming on her first plane flight tomorrow. Any trips for babies on planes?
  • grab some earplanes from the chemist – B.L
  • let bub drink her bottle while taking off and landing :) helps with their ears – T.S.
  • We have our first trip in 2 weeks, planning on breastfeeding taking off and landing... Health nurse also said if won't drink, get them to suck ur finger! – L.E
  • Take a full size pillow - you put it on your lap and bub can sit on it and have some padding from all the buckles, and then when they are tired they can lay down for a sleep - saves your arms!!! – L.N
  • My bubs always got ear aches from planes even when we used the bottle and dummy method. My doctor told me that if you suspect at all that they may be teething / have a cold / etc then give them panandol about 1/2 hour before take off ♥ - Little Polly designs
  • This is blog I found and recommend to travelers tips from a hostie mom We got a self inflating camping pillow great for long flights with bubs. Even if you get the bassinette they need to be on lap for turbulence take off etc - A.V.
  • One thing I suggest is being close to the toilets, depending on the plane normally rear but sometime toilets are front. Also board first or last as nappy bags are bulky and a pain to squeeze past people with when they are standing, especially with a wriggly child in your arms lol also take snacks and toys – A.O.
  • Best advice I can offer is have entertainment organised...I use sandwich bags & plastic office sleeves/envelopes....go to a cheap shop and get a few different things you can put in each...that way it's organised and something new espesh if she is super unsettled and you have to keep changing the items around, there's not alot of room to be able to sort thru finding things...have heaps of fun different snacks organized aswel, treats...that way it's an incentive to sit on your lap when she's restless. I'm flying with both kids in a couple of weeks on my own! Plan on putting my own advice into action!!! Hehe! xx – B.B
  • Sit in the aisle so u can get up, choose the side carefully so Ella's head is not in the aisle so people cant bump her and bring a v shaped pillow, I used it when Z. was 3 mths and again last night, she is 1 and i put it on my lap so my arm doesn't have to support all her weight and sometimes on the spare seat next to me for a bit so I could stretch, I'd say it's essential.. Ours was a night flight so Z. mostly slept, albeit broken and not so comfortable but was fine. Good luck and happy travels!!! xo – G.W.
  • Also I was traveling alone and Z. still fits in her baby bjorn so I used it in the airport and getting on and off the plane so my hands were free, very helpful - G.W.
  • I always sit up the back on the aisle (close to the toilets with change facilities) and looking up and down the aisle provides entertainment. Get your toys/entertainment organised but too much can over stimulate little ones which makes the trip a lot harder (I learnt this one the hard way!) Snacks, snacks and more snacks! (Not a good mummy practice, but it keeps them busy). Smile big, be considerate of others around you and apologize if necessary :) - Kids On Sale
  • took my son to uk when he was 13 months...playdoh was great & i bf on take-off landing no problem. he still had his dummy too. get the free activity kit if they have them (we were not offrered as they thought my son was too young but he loved it). lots of walks. definitely the full size pillow (don't do bassinette seat - you can't put armrests up so very uncomfortable). little wind up toys for the tray table good too. get her a little pull along suitcase for her toys. if you have an ergo, take it!! – N.D
  • Give drink when taking off and landing, helps them equalize their ear pressures xx – T.A.
  • Take some books or little toys so she is a little entertained and some snack's my boys always are happy eating and reading a book I find taking something new too helps good luck – A.L.
  • Breastfeed her on take-off or landing if you can (and are still breastfeeding!). Don't worry about other passengers if she cries - you can't do anything about it!! Does she have a little comforter you could bring? If she has a dummy that could also help with the ear pressure. Otherwise food, toys, books, as per the above suggestions! A. has done 2 return plane journeys. The last time we went to Canberra she cried all the way there and all the way back :-( Hoping to have better luck when we go again. - H.P.
  • Oh, also, just so you know, if you take her in a carrier (e.g., sling or Ergobaby) they will make you take her out at security and also take-off and landing where she has to be attached by a pathetic infant seat belt. Probably makes no difference with a bigger baby but when I had a sleeping 3 month old and they made me wake her up to take her out to go through security I was not happy!!!! – H.P.
  • I ask for a 15 minute warning from the hostie for descent. A.’s really sensitive to it & if he's not drinking/feeding already, he's to distressed to do anything but scream. We found those rafferty's tubes of baby food handy too. Have a SUPER flight :) – K.W.
  • May be a bit of a bother, but her car seat is ideal & safer for the plane, and also when you are travelling - esp in taxis - very few have children's car seats – S.P.
  • one more thing! a front pack, sling, whatever you use is really hand for being handsfree when getting on or off, it also saved us when A. was completely overtired and needed help getting off to sleep :) – K.W.
  • A few new toys so the interest is a bit longer than the boring old toys was the best advise soemeone gave me and it was so true. – K.K.

And my VERY Favourite tip:
  • A friend of mine flies twice a year on long haul flights btw here & canada... I really appreciate her perspective (paraphrasing here) "other adults on the flight will get over the short term discomfort of travelling near children so I focus on my kids and making it a positive experience for them; they'll remember it for longer" - K.W.
Thanks to all the Mummies that shared their experiences. It was really helpful to us when we flew!

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